I want it so so bad!

Oh my oh my, I want it so bad. so bad. but it's 500$ or IDR 4.500.000
what should I do? I want to buy it with my savings, but I dont have any. yeah my dad doesn't give me any allowance (I hope my dad didn't read this post).

This is the story. Last Saturday, I took an interview for the new Dewan Redaksi Cendana for photography section. They said that the result will be announce on Monday. And I'm in. So, I talk to my dad for a SLR camera or whatever it's name. He refuse to buy me. Okay then, maybe I should take care on my own business. But I just realized that I dont had any money. I pay my course, eat, shoe by my self. ahh, thats not the point. I JUST NEED THIS CAMERA.

maybe i should sell my projects, but I dont know how to send a package. I dont even have a credit card.

maybe i should pray non-stop. yeah, its easier.

maybe i should give up and do anything I want. sleep all day and dont do homeworks, dont go to school, just blogging.

maybe i should resign.

maybe i should waiting for the right time. waiting my destiny. it sounds better :)

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Meet the Author

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Semarang, Indonesia
A frequently called bella or abel who wants to go around the world, someday. A full time traveler and part time engineer. Loving and living my live to the fullest!