Triangle necklace tutorial

You need :
1. Origami or colour paper (or reuse your magazine scraps).
2. Double side tape.
3. Thread and needle.
4. Felt ( color of your choice).
5. Scissor.
6. Ribbon or chain.

1. Cut your origami or colour paper any size you like (mine is 3cm x 4cm) and as many as you need.
2. Roll it and give double side tape in the end of the paper so it looks like this.
3. Cut 2 pieces of your felt triangle shape.
4. Sew those rolls paper to the felt until it cover all of felt surface.
5. Sew the ribbon or chain to one of your triangle felt.
6. Sew your felt together with the other triangle felt.
7. It's DONE!

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Semarang, Indonesia
A frequently called bella or abel who wants to go around the world, someday. A full time traveler and part time engineer. Loving and living my live to the fullest!