I'd Like you to meet

MY CLASSMATES! This is a full of fun year which I spent a lot of time together with you all friends :') I'm very happy having you all always by my side. Thank you friends :*
  Life can't be wonderful without friends, right.. 

2 thoughts:

  1. Sudah kuduga, pasti anak Cendana, hehehe...
    Salam kenal dr Surabaya.
    Saya dulu pernah sekolah di TK Cendana, but ofkors it was a loooong time ago, hehehe...

    Km tinggal di kompleks apa?
    Saya dulu di Sibayak 32 (klo ga salah).


  2. haloo.. iya aku sekolah di cendana.

    aku tinggal di kompleks kerinci. udah ada belum ya dulu?





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Meet the Author

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Semarang, Indonesia
A frequently called bella or abel who wants to go around the world, someday. A full time traveler and part time engineer. Loving and living my live to the fullest!