Happy Tummy Tour #88 - Largo Bistrot

Ola. How's your saturday night? Macet-macetan yak? Wehehe ya dinikmatin aja. Salah satu restoran yg harus banget dicoba buat malam minggu selanjutnya, Largo Bistrot yang ada di jalan Sisingamangaraja no. 43

Lamb Chop, Largo Pizza, Caesar Salad Chicken & Beef Stroganoff

mine is beef stroganoff (59k) and green tea milkshake (22k)
Aku kesini bareng papa dan om ku. Awalnya kukira harganya bakal lebay eh ternyata gak overpriced dan servicenya memuaskan (ppn 10% no service tax). Btw aku lagi suka banget sama yang namanya green tea, everything about it. Dan green tea milkshakenya patut dicoba, enakk beuds.
Beef stroganoff ini cuma fettucini terus ada daging berukuran gede dan mushroom dengan kuah yg creamy dan kental. Lamb chop nya juga gak kalah deh, satu porsi isinya 2 potong heheuu..
Ininih spoiler interior dan menunya. Enjoy guys

" The only thing I like better than talking about food is eating "

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Semarang, Indonesia
A frequently called bella or abel who wants to go around the world, someday. A full time traveler and part time engineer. Loving and living my live to the fullest!