Happy Tummy Tour #73 - Hallo Solo Garden Resto

Good place, good taste, for you good people!

Hello again from solo. Ada tempat nongki ketje nih, namanya Hallo Solo Garden Resto lokasinya di jl. Adi Sucipto no. 1 manahan. Disebelahnya ada distro terkenal rowndvsn. Good news, UAS done yihaaa~

Menu disini macem-macem. Main coursenya mulai dari nasi goreng, bakmi goreng, mie ayam, mie hotplate, mie hulk (mie porsi jumbo) sampe steak, lasagna dan spaghetti. Buat dessert ada ice cream goreng yg recommended dan berbagai menu platter seperti sosis, nugget, salad, dan banyak lagi. Minumnya ada cocktails, floats, milkshakes, milk tea, juices and more. 

Here it is. Top row : mie hotplate katsu (12k) dan spaghetti ayam lada hitam (18k). Bottom row : lasagna (15k) dan nasi goreng bungkus telur (15k).

Coca cola float (8.5k) and british float (15k). Di first picture itu milk tea with cincau (6k).

Recomended nih, ice cream goreng (7k).

Nasi goreng bungkus telur ini juga enyak, sampe take away dua porsi wkwk bukan buat sendiri kok tenang aja :3

Btw aku juga pesen pizza pepperoni yg menurutku gak terlalu enak, tapi calzone hallosolo nya harus banget dicobain..

Follow their instagram @hallosolo and my instagram @bellarnst hehe hasta la vista!

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Semarang, Indonesia
A frequently called bella or abel who wants to go around the world, someday. A full time traveler and part time engineer. Loving and living my live to the fullest!