Happy Tummy Tour #53 - Bubur Ayam Jakarta

Tadaaa! Bubur ayam terenak di semarang nih, gak pake mahal dan gak pake jauh. Bubur ayam jakarta tapi tempatnya di sirojudin deket toko annida.

Oke ini lebih enak dibanding bubur pas cfd. Bisa tiap minggu sarapan disini, apalagi kalo mau praktikum beh harus banget sarapan disini. Harganya 7.000 doang. Kalo abel sih biasa pesennya tanpa seledri dan kacang hehe.

"One of the happiest moments in life is when you find the courage to let go of what you can't change."

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Semarang, Indonesia
A frequently called bella or abel who wants to go around the world, someday. A full time traveler and part time engineer. Loving and living my live to the fullest!